Tag Archives: dashboard widget

How to hide that you are using WordPress aka debranding WordPress

WordPress logo I like WordPress, really I do. I use it whenever possible to make my products path to my clients short and enjoyable. There's just one thing that pokes me in the eye whenever I need to deliver my project. WordPress developers have created greatest CMS ever conceived. They did that free of charge and the community is very grateful for all they've done, but do they really need to stick WordPress name and logo everywhere? Actually I already tried to remedy this situation inside one of my earlier articles. In this article I'll show you a few more tricks to remove some of WordPress branding from WordPress user interface.

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Add your custom post type count to Right Now admin dashboard widget with WordPress plugin

Wordpress Logo BlueRecently I've published my latest WordPress plugin Quick Poll where I've used custom post type feature of recent WordPress versions to implement voting poll functionality. Wouldn't it be nice to show your custom post type count on WordPress dashboard Right Now widget right bellow the number of posts, pages, comments, categories and tags? This would definitely help your custom post type to blend into default WordPress functionality. It is also handy because clicking on your custom post type count will take user right to the list of your custom post type posts. In this article I'm presenting code to do just that.

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