Tag Archives: Ubuntu

Mount remote share at login on Ubuntu Linux using gvfs-mount

In this article I'm going to show you how to mount remote shares at login as regular user Ubuntu Linux using gvfs-mount. To mount shares at boot (as root user) you would normally edit fstab, but to automatically mount shares as regular user with your shares password inside Gnome keyring you would use gvfs-mount. I will also show you how to make sure that your share password is stored inside "login" keyring so your share could be mounted at login without requiring you to enter any password. Continue reading

Disable Plymouth and show GRUB menu on Ubuntu based Linux PC

Ubuntu PlymouthI don't really understand the need to make Linux operating systems more appealing to general crowd by using stuff like Plymouth to mimic other inferior operating systems behavior. The Linux way would be to try to explain general crowd that wasting effort on making boot splash screen doesn't bring increase in productivity. This is the reason why I disable Plymouth or any other boot splash software on all of my Linux PCs. I also like to force showing GRUB boot menu before boot in case I need easy access to recovery entries on GRUB boot menu. In this article I will show you how to disable Plymouth and force showing GRUB menu with 3 seconds timeout on Ubuntu Linux PC.

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Enable userdir Apache module on Ubuntu Linux and other Debian based distributions

Apache logoLately I've spent a lot of time on web programming using open source based technologies like PHP, MySQL and PostgreSQL. This works really great on Linux because every tool you need for web programing is right there a few keystrokes away using your favorite distribution and package manager. One essential thing you need to setup for web programming is localhost web server serving files inside your home directory. I've wrote about one method of making Apache web server work this way in my following article:

LAMP development in your home directory with suPHP module

In this article I will show you how to do the same thing in another way by enabling Apache module called userdir on Debian based distributions like Ubuntu. The official definition of userdir is that "this module allows user-specific directories to be accessed using the http://example.com/~user/ syntax". So lets get started...

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Send and receive SMS using GSM modem or phone on Ubuntu

Huawei e220I currently use mobile broadband as my primary Internet connection and this worked great on my Linux PCs for a while. The GSM modem I'm using every day is good old Huawei e220, but there is one aspect of this great hardware device I haven't used on my Linux PCs, and that is sending/receiving SMS messages. In this article I will show you how to send and receive SMS messages using GSM modem or phone on Ubuntu Linux PC.

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Disable and remove AppArmor on Ubuntu based Linux distributions

AppArmor is security Linux kernel module similar to the SELinux but it's supposed to be easier to setup and maintain. There are many reasons for you to disable it, primary one is that its security features can get in the way of legitimate applications operation. In this article I am going to show you how to disable AppArmor from your Ubuntu based Linux distribution.

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