

Monetize is released under GPLv2 license.


Monetize is pay per click (PPC) ad units management system allowing you to monetize your WordPress blog.


Here are some of the features of Monetize WordPress plugin:

  • Ad units disable automatically when they reach configured number of clicks.
  • Ad units are assigned to ad zones, each ad zone displays it's ad units randomly.
  • Impression tracking with Google Charts powered trends diagrams.
  • Number of clicks tracking with Google Charts powered trends diagrams.
  • PHP caching plugins (like WP Super Cache) support. When caching plugin is detected, Ajax is used to populate ad zones.
  • Can serve Google Adsnse or other external ads.
  • Customized media upload tool allowing you to create ad units without any knowledge of HTML.
  • Support for both image and Flash banners (with support for Clicktag).


  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.6
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.7.1
  • Current version: Monetize 1.03


Monetize can be installed using integrated WordPress plugin installer

  • Download your Monetize package.
  • Go to your admin dashboard -> Plugins > Add New.
  • Under Upload, click browse and select Monetize zip package.
  • Click Install Now to install the WordPress Plugin.
  • A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
  • Click Proceed to continue with the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
  • If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.


Can you describe work-flow around using Monetize?
  1. Create ad zone of required width, height and optionally add your custom CSS (Add New screen under Zones menu).
  2. Paste PHP code for that zone (code column on the All Zones list screen) into your WordPress theme files.
  3. Create one of more ad units (Add New screen under Units menu), each unit is assigned to one ad zone (watch out for the zone dimensions).
  4. By default all ad units will be displayed randomly inside ad zone that contains them, until limit for each zone is achieved.
  5. You can review impressions and click count list and trends chart from the respective screens in the admin interface.


Changelog is currently empty.

Your donations

Monetize is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Monetize free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Monetize useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Monetize stable version

Monetize is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory, but the development is taking place at GitHub from where you can download latest release archive:

DOWNLOAD Monetize 1.03 from GitHub

You can also fork or contribute to Monetize by visiting its official GitHub repository page:

Monetize on GitHub



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5 thoughts on “Monetize

  1. Sal

    Can users add advertising as a registered user.

    Can Other Users Put Code on their site and track and get paid for advertising.

    Does is have a payment system using PayPal.

    If not can you build for me and at what price.

    and of course a full dashboard for each user and have it serve up what they what they have chose to do. Such as a check box for each interest they are interested in. Then it serves up what they want.

    Please don’t forget GEO Targeting as well very important for the sale that consumers know they are targeting people in there area only when a add is served up.

    Thanks Very Much.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Sal,
      these features aren’t present and I currently do not accept new projects. Thanks for the ideas though, I might implement them one day.


  2. Daco de la Bretoniere


    Thanks for this plugin. I seems that it has a small bug though. When adding target=”_blank” to the link, the click is not registered.
    I will try to fix this bug myself, but I thought I let you know.



  3. fred craford

    hello thanks for this plugin,
    but there since to be some issue from my end
    where can i add the client that are suppose to be advertising on my site,

    i created a user account in wordpress with the advertister role but that didn’t seen to work.

    As such i can’t add any add unit since the client detail is empty
    any walk around for this,

    i will check back later for any suggestions that you might have

    thanks once again for this useful plugin


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