Category Archives: Web Development
Add TinyMCE and Quicktags visual editors to WordPress comments form
At WordPress powered site backend you have these great Javascript visual text editors TinyMCE (Visual) and Quicktags (HTML/Text). Wouldn't it be great to bring those two to your WordPress blog or site frontend to be used inside our comments form? Sounds great so lets proceed. In this article I'll present two ways how to integrate TinyMCE and Quicktags visual editors into your WordPress comment system.
Continue readingChange serif, sans-serif and monospace generic font families mapping on Linux operating system
Different Linux distributions map different fonts to generic font families like serif, sans-serif and monospace and thats fine. Unfortunately as a web developer I need those families consistent on all my machines and as similar as possible to generic font families mapping my code users have. Because of that the first thing I do when I decide to keep Linux distribution around is to configure serif, sans-serif and monospace generic font families mapping.
Detect visitor's country from his IP address in your WordPress plugin or theme
Recently while coding my "who is online" WordPress plugin Quick Count I had an idea that it would be great if I could somehow detect visitor's country of origin from his IP address. After doing some research I've learned that most online IP to country services are proprietary and offer limited services for free or they don't offer free service at all. Then I came across a great ip-countryside open source project by Markus Goldstein. He has developed open source C++ application that creates IP to country database using 5 Regional Internet Registries (RIR): AFRINIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and RIPE. I've decided to create open source WordPress plugin named Quick Flag that uses this database to provide IP to country services to all WordPress community. In this article I'll show you how to install and use Quick Flag IP to country functionality from your own plugin or theme.
Add your custom post type count to Right Now admin dashboard widget with WordPress plugin
Recently I've published my latest WordPress plugin Quick Poll where I've used custom post type feature of recent WordPress versions to implement voting poll functionality. Wouldn't it be nice to show your custom post type count on WordPress dashboard Right Now widget right bellow the number of posts, pages, comments, categories and tags? This would definitely help your custom post type to blend into default WordPress functionality. It is also handy because clicking on your custom post type count will take user right to the list of your custom post type posts. In this article I'm presenting code to do just that.