Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Марина

    Здравствуйте. Компания поставляет махровые полотенца с военной тематикой. Если интересно наше предложение прошу написать на эл. почту: rmvsp@mail.ru

  2. maurice

    I’ve just downloaded your quick chat plugin. I’m impressed so far and will continue to try molding it to my purposes. I’m a front end engineer so i’m comfortable with javascript, html, and php code. For my project, I need a chat plugin that creates page-specific chat rooms. From the user perspective, site visitors should be able to participate with the other logged in users currently viewing a particular page on the website.

    I’ll continue looking through the support forums for similar requests, but I would appreciate any direction you could provide.

    Thank you.

    1. Scott

      That’s an easy enough tweak – just use the “room” feature of the chatroom shortcode for each page: [quick-chat room="name here"]

  3. lukilker

    I have big problem. i use the quick chat, but after several minutes of using, my webserver is overloaded and shut down.
    i have maximal 200 peoples online and i using wordpress 3.5
    if you can help me

  4. Gia


    We are using QuickChat and just upgraded to the most recent version because we were having issues with sound notifications and deleting messages. Now, the page with the plugin chat room is just showing a LOADING message and will not load the chat room. Please email me to troubleshoot.

  5. Staizy

    Thank you a lot for the Quick Chat plugin! I faced a problem having updated this plugin. It used to display usernames in the top of Chat, but now they are not being displayed anymore. What shall I do to get them back?
    Thanks again for your help

  6. Paulo Edson

    Hi Marko! ^^  So, I found a bug in the chat when have a embedded twitter feed. The chat don’t loading when have this. xD
    Is really good if you can fix it.. Thanks for this great and the best chat =]

  7. Rick and Becky

    Our site is open (no registration required) but our forums do require registration to comment. We would like to do the same with Quick-Chat. Is there any way to require registration without establishing a general site-wide registration requirement?

  8. kathir

    Hi buddy

    I have installed and active quicj chat plugin.

    This is page very long loading.  I send chat guest user and will display long time.

    I got error  Iinvalid array length prototype Line No : 463

    and this javascript file localhost/sitename/wp-content/themes/twentyten/lightbox/scripts/prototype.js

    I wnat fast chat display message. Can u help me ?


    Kathir. R


  9. Lee

    Hi guys, I’d really appreciate some help if possible.

    I’m having a problem with Quick chat on my website. For some reason it only shows the first line of text before disappearing out of the page (like its not registering a new line should be created).  The admin chat in the backend works just fine, which makes this even more frustrating.

    Any advice to help me fix this, because otherwise its a suberb plugin.

    Many thanks,

    1. Marko Author

      Hello, just use CSS.

      div.quick-chat-history-header {
          font-size: 10px;

      Place it inside quick-chat.css file inside your theme folder.

  10. Lise Kryger

    Hi, Thanks for a nice plugin!

    I have installed the plugin and put the shortcode into this page: http://www.slipangsten.dk/angst-chat/ It works when I am logged in as administrator, but others can’t use it – or see it. What can I do to change this?

    Please help, a lot of people is hoping and waitning to use this feature.

    Thanks in advance.

    Lise Kryger

    1. Marko Author

      Hello Lise,
      99% that disabling Autoptimize plugin will make it work because while trying to optimize already optimized Javascript code it makes it unusable. Also one of your plugins is loading older version of jQuery from Google CDN, not a good practice and will cause some plugins to malfunction. When installing plugins just remember that plugins aren’t candy so you can’t expect that taking more at once will make your site taste better 🙂 I know that WordPress promotes plug and play plugins but as you can see in reality this isn’t the case.

      Good luck!

      1. Lise+Kryger

        Hi Marko,

        Thanks for replying me allready 🙂 I have now tried to deactivate th Autoptimize plugin. It still doesn’t work… I can see and chat with myself as the administrator, but no one else sees the chat 🙁 Anything else you can recommend me trying?


        1. Marko Author

          I would also try deactivating any caching plugin you might have. Sorry but without inspecting your site first hand, I don’t have any more recommendations.


          1. lars

            Hi Marko,

            thank you for your great plugin! Just had recently the same problems in using quick chat with autoptimize. If you check the box “optimize JS” you have to add the .js Files of Quick Chat to the expection bar:
            quick-chat-init.dev, quick-chat-core.dev, quick-chat-load.dev, quick-chat-power.dev, jquery.json.dev, jquery.c00kie.dev,

            In addition, don’t use quick chat in debug mode. That’s all and works perfectly for me =)

  11. Louis

    Hi Marko,

    I have noticed someone here already asked if it’s possible to re-size the username and the date.  I was just wondering if it’s possible for me to only re-size the font for the date under the username.

    Thanks – Marko!



  12. Mauricio

    Dit you ever check the memory usage of quick chat? I’m on a server and after I disabled the plugin it dropped from 800 to around 500mb on the httpd service.

    Having 3 people chatting brought it to 950mb. One leaving brought it to around 800MB and up.

    Would like to know what is happening and if you ever checked this.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Mauricio,
      that is to be expected. Quick Chat is using long polling to fetch messages and Apache/PHP has to maintain open connection for each user chatting. This amounts to 10-20 MB per chat user or more depending on the PHP configuration. Unfortunately long polling is the only way to make self hosted chat that works on shared hosting.


      1. Mauricio

        I’m on a VPS and the PHP application is under a lot of “stress”. So I checked the chat and there were no people chatting. I switched it off and the APP server response time went from bad to great. After some time I turned the plugin back on and the response time went bad again. Especially admin-ajax.php is under a lot of “stress”. I can send you the screenshots of the webserver monitoring graph if you like.

        I already make the check for users 50 seconds and speed of chatting 6 seconds but with no effect.

        Thanks for the nice plugin still 😉 Keep up the good work.

  13. Michael

    Is there a way that you can make it easier to extend quick chat to be more like IRC?  We are looking to use this AWESOME chat room for an online RPG.  I would like to add / functions like



    /roll dice


    Any idea how i would easily go about doing that?

  14. StGall

    Hi Marko

    This is a wonderfully easy plugin that is perfect for my site, so thank you so much for making it. It’s much better than the WPMu version 🙂

    But I’m trying to tweak it so that instead of showing all the users in the room, it shows all the users on the entire site (across all rooms). In the update_users function of the core JS I tried removing ‘if(room_name == users[i].room)’ but that didn’t help – could you point me in the right direction if you have the time please?

    Thanks again


    1. Marko Author

      Kako nema načina da Quick Chat izgleda odlično na svakoj temi, sadrži samo osnovni CSS, a sve ostalo poput okvira za popis usera i poruka moraš prilagoditi svojoj temi CSS-om. Znači u folder teme staviš fajl imena quick-chat.css i unutra svoja pravila kako želiš što da izgleda.

  15. Daniel

    Hi Marko,

    Quick chat is a great plugin. Thanks for making it.

    I have one question: you mentioned below that “long polling” is only a problem on shared hosting. Does that mean that if I moved my site over to VPS hosting then the problem of long polling goes away completely? Does long polling always slow a site down a lot?

    Best wishes,

    1. Marko Author

      On VPS long polling “problem” will stay there but it will be noticed much less due to more power offered by VPS. Chat simply requires more power than hosting simple HTML no mater how you look at it. XMPP based chat can be run only on VPS and it is a much better solution but even it takes some power to operate.

  16. Rudi

    Hi there,

    This is really nice plugins, but plese help me, how to add line/separator with a collor! Thanks before

  17. Jamie

    Hi Marko, Hope you’re well. We’re still loving your plugin at the station.

    I just switched host and the chatroom now flies. We were struggling with it slowing down when busy.

    I want to ask about the daily clean in the latest version. I would like to use it to delete all posts through the night. What time does the clean happen and can it be controlled?

    Thanks again!

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Jamie,
      I’m OK how are you? I’m glad you still find Quick Chat useful. Answer to your question is yes, similar code can be used to clean chat rooms periodically whenever you require.

  18. David Clark

    Hi. Love the quick clean interface. Is there a way to have a divide line or something to separate the online users when you select position as top.

  19. Joel Risberg

    Thanks for the great plugin.

    I posted my kludgy Now Chatting widget to the Quick Chat WordPress.com support forum, but here’s the URL again:


    And here it is in action in the right sidebar:


    Maybe you’d consider adding this functionality as a second widget option?

    Also, “quick-chat-bottom-notice” is spelled consistently as “bootom” in several js files (e.g. js/quick-chat-core.js).



    1. Marko Author

      Hello Joel I’ve seen your post on wordpress.org I just didn’t find time to respond, sorry. A while back while I was more actively involved in releasing new Quick Chat versions I tried to motivate people to assist with the code but no one came forward. It’s nice to see your code, thanks. This is a solid idea but it would be best to build support for this into Quick Chat. Your code works fine but unfortunately it starts message update loop even though only users list is important and this impacts performance. I’ll try to find some free time today or tomorrow and post here for some beta version. Also the “bottom” spelling, thanks for reporting, I’ll fix it. If you have any more ideas or code just bring it on, community will appreciate it.


  20. vlad

    Hey Marko!

    Thank you for great plugin!

    How can I use embeded functions – like replace link to youtube to player, or link to image replce with img.

    Its a standart function in WordPress now, but doesn’t work in chat window.


    Thank you

    1. Beau+Griffis

      *quick-chat height=”400″ room=”default” userlist=”1″ userlist_position=”left” smilies=”1″ send_button=”0″ loggedin_visible=”1″ guests_visible=”1″ avatars=”1″ counter=”1″*  i left the brakets out

  21. patrick

    Hello Marko, i installed the plugin from wordpress how can i hide the time stamp from my chat and  make it look something like this:


    1. vlad

      Hey Patrick

      I don’t know how hide it, but i know how to make name and time in one line, like this:

      admin 2013-02-013 7:05 GMT:

      hell O!

      use this in plugin css (quick-chat/css/quick-chat.css)
      put it in the end of your css:

      div.quick-chat-history-alias {
          float: left;
    2. Marko Author

      Simple, following inside quick-chat.css inside your theme folder:

      div.quick-chat-history-timestring {
          display: none;


  22. Sabrina

    Hi Marko, Thank you so much for this plugin!  I had been working very well, but yesterday we noticed that quick chat was suddenly only loading for admin-level users.  When any other registered users try to access it, the word “loading” appears for a brief second then nothing.  I’ve checked the setting several times, taken down any other plugins that might be a problem (but it was working with my other plugins up until yesterday).  I’ve also tried it with settings to allow guest users to no avail.  Do you have any suggestions?  TIA

  23. Elvis

    Hi Marko! Is there a way that I connect to the chat that is integrated into my website using AndroIRC (from my cell phone)? What’s the techytalk server name (i.e. irc.******.com:6667)?

  24. Jason

    Thanks for making this plugin available. I did want to point out a slight typo that affects IP banning for webservers behind proxies. You are checking for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in $_SERVER but incorrectly spelled it HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR. I made that small fix and things work perfectly now. Thanks!

  25. Biju Subhash

    great plugin…

    I have a question… Can I limit number of users in a chat room. If I have 1000 registered, I would like to show some of (for example 3 or four) users in the user list…

  26. Angus

    Hi Marko! I love this plugin thanks so much. How can I change the font colour conversation text? It is appearing very light great in my site and I would like it to be black.. Thanks! 🙂

  27. JohnnyHansen

    Can anybody tell me how to edit the css so the chat looks like

    Avatar – Timestamp
    – Username: Message?
    Thanks in advance!

  28. Mikael

    How do i setup register user for the chat?
    I cant my self(am the adm of page) use my name in register option, so have to have open chat and only getting the Guest_  on it. even when writting my name in “name” box

  29. Scodera

    Hello! Quick Chat can play a sound when a user enters the chat? And if so, how does it work?
    Otherwise, the chat is just great!

    cu Scodera

  30. Bjorn

    Nice and easy piece of software!
    Can it be used outside WP as a standalone version on the web server?

  31. Sylvia

    I really wish this was more like AjaxChat.  Ideally I would like to be able to load and VIEW pictures in the chat interface.  Same with Youtube videos.

    This is a nice start… I do like the “chirp” instead of the “bdunk” sound.


  32. bDoc

    I am trying to use the Chat Script (Which is great) but every time I enable it, it causes the site to come to it’s knees.  Once disabled then the site is fast again. I was on shared hosting then moved to VPS and it’s still very slow.  It also takes about 25-30 seconds for each chat entry to even show up. in the window.  Can any please help?

  33. Alex

    someone can help me  : i use  quick chat on my web but when i click on send   nothing will happen  🙁

    I trying deactivate and delete all my plugins

    install jQuery updater

    can anyone help what to do?

      1. Marko Author

        It isn’t a bug if message goes out on this demo chat or on clean WordPress installation. It can only be conflict between Quick Chat and some other plugin or your theme.


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